Does your Organisation have a High Performing Culture?
When an organization’s culture struggles, the business does too.
‘Toxic’ culture impacts trust and communication across the organization. Innovation is often stifled, employees may resist change, high-potential talent often leaves , and naturally productivity and performance ‘nose dive’. There’ll be a domino affect on the pace and quality of product / service delivery,  customer satisfaction and reduced sales, and /or other funding prospects.
Here are 9 Questions to ask yourself about your Organisation:
Please use this 5 point scale
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
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Q1. Continuous feedback
Do your employees get real-time, constructive feedback?
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Q2. Employee recognition
Are your employees timeously (& appropriately) recognised for the value of their contributions?
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Q3. Goal alignment
Do your employees collaboratively set, track, and accomplish goals with their managers and teams? (Naturally these should roll up into company goals).
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Q4. Regular performance conversations
Do your employees and managers stay connected with regular performance conversations? (i.e. Monthly).
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Q5. Strong leadership
Do your Leaders inspire employees and ‘role model’ the behaviours needed for an engaging, high performance culture?
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Q6. Employee engagement
Are your employees mentally and emotionally connected ‘to’, and ‘with’ their work?(i.e. They show that they ‘care’).
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Q7. Ongoing development
Do your employees have the  ‘scope’, opportunity and resources to grow?
(So that they reach their full potential). 
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Q8. Agility
Does your organization revere and promote ‘agile mindsets / thinking’ ? (Given that workplaces are continually to evolving and changing).
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Q9. Strong values and rituals
Do people across your organization aligned on core values and perhaps fun rituals, to drive their behaviours / actions everyday at work?
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Here's how you've scored:
Please select your score in the ranges provided below then click "generate report" to view your feedback.
You've scored between 9 and 18
Urgent attention is needed to shift your organisation’s culture. There may be a few ‘gaping wounds’ that need to be addressed.
What are the benefits of a high performance culture?
A high performance culture can make all the difference in your organization.
Here are the key benefits you will experience:
More profitable
More Innovative
Reduce Turnover
Keeps teams connected and accountable
You've scored between 18 and 27
‘Nothing is broken’, but your business is unlikely to attract good talent / be very innovative and / or be known as a ‘great place to work’.
What are the benefits of a high performance culture?
A high performance culture can make all the difference in your organization.
Here are the key benefits you will experience:
More profitable
More Innovative
Reduce Turnover
Keeps teams connected and accountable
You've scored between 27 and 36
Your culture is ‘fine’, but this is not good enough in ‘turbulent’ times. Perhaps a little ‘agility’ is needed to chase new opportunities.
What are the benefits of a high performance culture?
A high performance culture can make all the difference in your organization.
Here are the key benefits you will experience:
More profitable
More Innovative
Reduce Turnover
Keeps teams connected and accountable
You've scored between 36 and 45
Your workplace culture is good, and may even be great. Especially if the ‘core’ culture driver of ‘Trust’ is felt, spoken about and experienced by all! 
What are the benefits of a high performance culture?
A high performance culture can make all the difference in your organization.
Here are the key benefits you will experience:
More profitable
More Innovative
Reduce Turnover
Keeps teams connected and accountable
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