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Change your questions - Change your life

Change your words
Joni Peddie
October 18, 2022
min read
Change your questions - Change your life

‘Anxious’, ‘exhausted’ and ‘overwhelmed’ are the three most frequently used words that I hear from delegates in workshops these days! This can downward spiral into ‘burnout’; which is up 60% worldwide. As my Enneagram Teachers, Don Riso and Russ Hudson used to say … “But, it doesn’t have to go that way!”.

Anxiety, like any stress, can help us to get things done. ‘Cortisol’ is not the enemy. However, at a certain point, the scale starts to tip, and anxiety can become more harmful than helpful.

This can cause us to experience the world and people around us as a threat, making it harder to get things done, connect with others, and feel safe and relaxed in our bodies.

How about taking time out for yourself this weekend to contemplate.

Sit with a notebook, or Journal and let your brain freewheel…

Here are 5 Questions to get you going.

  1. What has been bothering you lately (do a brain dump of bullet-points)?
  2. What’s happening in your life that has you worried?
  3. Are there things in your life that feel 'out of control' right now?
  4. What do you find yourself thinking (or worrying) about in moments of quiet?
  5. Are there things you want to do or that you are worried about forgetting?

I would love to hear 'other' provocative Questions that YOU use... especially ones that ae helpful to shift your perspective in life!

#timeforself #Selfcare #bounceforward

Do you need help re-energising your life and career?
Yes please!