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Create a Daily MANTRA!

Joni Peddie
May 26, 2022
min read
Create a Daily MANTRA!

This is my DAILY MANTRA.

I really wish that I had come up with this, but I didn’t. Thank you James Clear: Author of the Book 'Atomic Habits'.  

I have a few ‘systems’ in place that help me to Bounce Forward.

Instead of setting ‘goals’ to keep me resilient – I use these MOVE, EAT & SLEEP ‘systems’ daily!

I would love to hear about your ‘systems’ / rituals.

MOVE: 7 nights a week (while I brush my teeth), I take out my exercise clothes and put them in the bathroom. My ‘system’ = wake up + go to the loo + get dressed into this gear straight away. If I got to bed at 1am, because I was up partying (it seldom happens these days … but it did two months ago after a 60th)… I still get dressed in my exercise gear ‘staright away’. It’s my system. I then decide if I’ll to go for a short 10 min walk, or a run, or if I’ll do a 8-10 min stretch on my lounge floor. I ‘intentionally get into my body & MOVE every single morning of my life.

EAT: I have something raw before ALL my meals … even if it is 3 cherry tomatoes, a stick of celery or a carrot. (Read Jessie Inchauspe’s Book: Glucose Revolution … it’s a game-changing new realease).

SLEEP: 7 nights a week, I bath (with Epsom salts) or shower (if I am time-poor) and then say what I am grateful for - out aloud! Family members walking past the bathroom think I am ‘dilly’, and that’s just fine. I then watch the water go down the plug hole / drain and link this to ‘washing away’ some of the ‘yuk stuff’ from the day. This is especially stuff that I don’t want clogging my thoughts. This routine is the very last thing I do before getting into bed. I NEVER go back to my computer / mobile phone or the TV after my ‘declutch from the day system’.

What are the ‘systems’ that you have in place to keep you resilient and help you to bounce forward, in these tricky and turbulent times?

#selfleadership #bounceforward #emotionalintelligence #sleep #personalcare #consistency #resilience

Do you need help re-energising your life and career?
Yes please!