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It's okay not sleep with your spouse!

Sleep Awareness
Joni Peddie
January 23, 2024
min read
It's okay not sleep with your spouse!

This is not a 'pink slip' for infidelity...

Ever found yourself struggling to get a good night’s sleep, because your partner is snoring or tossing around restlessly next to you?

Here's some good news: therapists and sleep scientists are saying it’s totally okay for couples to sleep apart, and it's backed by a growing body of research that highlights the absolute necessity of prioritising quality sleep, which is foundational for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing!

This is a shift from the long-held belief that once partners move to separate beds, the romance is dead. This is not the case. I personally know couples that have separate bedrooms, and they say that their intimate life is fantastic, and even more exciting than prior to the shift into two separate bedrooms.

Sleep is essential for a healthy body, a sharp mind and for regulating our appetite for both sex and healthy food!

If you, and your partner decide to move to separate beds, it's important to find ways to continue being intimate, both emotionally and physically. Find opportunities to be emotionally close, and times to cuddle, be affectionate and have great conversations.

The decision to sleep together or apart should ultimately support the overall well-being of both partners. Be mindfully aware of your needs, and especially how each of your needs may have changed over the years.

So, whether you choose to sleep together or apart, the key is to prioritize the quality of sleep for both you and your partner. After all, a well-rested couple is a happy couple! 😊💤

#SleepScience #Relationships #QualitySleep #selfawareness

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