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Shift your physiology to shift your psychology!
Joni Peddie
November 7, 2023
min read

Said another way: Can your exercise shift your mental well being?

FAQ in the last few days:

“Hey Joni, what tips do you have to get through the mad month of November?”

My standard answer to this question is “motion shifts emotion”!

Motion can be 20 squats at your desk; 1 min skipping before your first coffee in the morning, or a 10 min walk with your dog!

Wait, there's more...
Taking this a step further, there is research showing that exercise is about MORE than just the physical exertion—it’s also about the way we INTERPRET OUR BODILY MOVEMENT.

Here's the research:

When hotel workers were made aware of HOW, and IN WHAT WAYS their particular jobs helped them to EXCEED standard health recommendations for an active lifestyle, they (as a result) developed far better health measures and outcomes.

The upshot? Adopting an “exercise mindset” and embracing opportunities for movement (even micro-bursts) can help you to improve your fitness—without requiring more hours on the road, or at the gym.

What I do ?

  1. I put my exercise clothes in the bathroom the night before. A good ritual. I do this EVERY night (365 days / year). EVERY morning, the first thing that I do is take PJs off, and exercise clothes on. I then get back into bed with my coffee, and I meditate for 15 mins. Afterwards I may only want to do 6 mins of dumbbell exercises on my veranda, or walk my Spaniel or maybe run with my mates.
  2. IN ADDITION, I do the following during the day.
    This is even if I have already completed a hard 10km run in the morning. I have a VISUAL REMINDER get me UP & MOVING DURING the day. I have imported these cordless skipping ropes. They are ON MY DESK. I skip for 1 min every two hours. It sounds 'easy peasy' and it is. I don’t have to walk away from my desk. In fact this 1 min skipping can still be done, while still 'cognitively tuned into' the document I am writing / strategising. Another 'benefit' is that I drink a glass of water straight afterwards and PING ... I have rehydrated my brain AND flooded it with fresh oxygenated blood.

The bottom-line. MADVEMBER is an unhelpful mindset, and simply BAD LANGUAGE.

Choose to shift it. Change your words, to shift your world.

November should be a flipping productive month, it's the precursor to 'Delirious December'.

Give me a shout if you want this to become a healthy habit in your team at work. Research shows that 'micro-bursts of activity boost brain health', and hence critical thinking, and of course this most often leads to better performance!


PS These Cordless Skipping Ropes make GREAT year-end gifts for your Team. Give me a shout, and I'll come into your offices and do a 'BOUNCEFORWARD™ mentally, emotionally and physically' session.

Alternatively we can courier the skipping ropes to you, and you facilitate your own fun session with your team.

Contact me for more info:

Do you need help re-energising your life and career?
Yes please!